[Haskell-cafe] Running HUnit tests when pushing to darcs on haskell.org

Colin Paul Adams colin at colina.demon.co.uk
Sat Mar 7 08:59:33 EST 2009

Hello cafe,

I've just followed the instructions at
to create my first library project on haskell.org, using darcs.

I tried using the darcs setpref test command to execute:

runhaskell tests/*.hs

(which works locally)

but it fails because it can't find Test.HUnit.

When I looked back at the webpage, I see it specifically mentions
QuickCheck and not HUnit, so I guess I should not have been
surprised. But I would like to know if this is possible, and if so,
how to arrange that runhaskell can find Test.HUnit.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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