[Haskell-cafe] ANN: loli: a minimal web dev DSL

Jinjing Wang nfjinjing at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 10:18:18 EDT 2009

loli is a DSL built on hack. It allows you to easily define routes,
build your custom template backends through a simple Template
interface, and integrate with other hack middleware.

* driver

    The simplest app looks like this

        import Network.Loli
        import Hack.Handler.Happstack

        main = run . loli $ get "/" (text "loli power")

* route

        get "/hello" $ do
          text "hello"

    will route "/hello" to a controller that outputs hello.

* middleware

    using a middleware is just as declaring

        middleware lambda

* template

    the template interface is

        class Template a where
          interpolate :: a -> String -> Context -> IO String

    Context is just [(String, String)]

    After implementing your own template engine, you can use

        output $ your-engine-constructor "template-name"

* demo

    I put the source of a dummy paste app on itself:


loli is on hackage, lolipaste is in loli repo on github:

* <http://github.com/nfjinjing/loli>

happy hacking


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