[Haskell-cafe] Rigid type variable error
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sun Jun 28 05:21:47 EDT 2009
Am Sonntag 28 Juni 2009 07:45:33 schrieb Darryn:
> Thanks for the help previously received, but I still cannot seem to get
> on top of this. The types for the constructor K will not resolve and
> I'm at a loss to work out what to do with it. If anyone can offer
> a further explanation and help I would be very grateful.
> My code (File Test5.hs):
> ----------------------------
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
> class A a where
> a1 :: a
> a2 :: a -> a
> a3 :: (B b) => b -> a
This means a3 has the type
forall c. (B c) => c -> a
> class B b where
> b1 :: Int -> b
> --data Ainst b = I | J (Ainst b) | K b
> -- a3 :: (B b, A a) => b -> a
> -- yet without the constraint on K, K :: b -> Ainst b
> -- so the above data definition fails. Trying to
> -- existentially quantify K below seems to make
> -- sense, but also fails ...
> data Ainst b = I | J (Ainst b) | (B b) => K b
Tis means K can only take an argument of type b, so
K :: (B b) => b -> Ainst b
> instance (B b) => A (Ainst b) where
> a1 = I
> a2 = J
> a3 = K -- Reported line of the error
a3 must have type
forall c. (B b, B c) => c -> Ainst b
which is more general than K's type.
Depending on what you want to do, you could
a) change Ainst,
data Ainst = I | J Ainst | (B b) => K b
instance (B b) => A Ainst where
a1 = I
a2 = J
a3 = K
but then you don't know what type b has been used to construct J (K x), so you can't do
much with it.
b) make A a multiparameter type class with functional dependencies
class A a b | a -> b where
a1 :: a
a2 :: a -> a
a3 :: b -> a
instance (B b) => A (Ainst b) b where
a1 = I
a2 = J
a3 = K
c) use type families:
class A a where
type S a
a1 :: a
a2 :: a -> a
a3 :: S a -> a
instance (B b) => A (Ainst b) where
type S (Ainst b) = b
a1 = I
a2 = J
a3 = K
b) and c) are more or less equivalent and restrict the type of a3 to K's type
> data Binst = Val Int
> instance B Binst where
> b1 = Val
> -------------------------------
> The error from ghci is as follows:
> Test5.hs:25:9:
> Couldn't match expected type `b' against inferred type `b1'
> `b' is a rigid type variable bound by
> the type signature for `a3' at Test5.hs:7:13
> `b1' is a rigid type variable bound by
> the instance declaration at Test5.hs:16:12
> Expected type: b -> Ainst b1
> Inferred type: b1 -> Ainst b1
> In the expression: K
> In the definition of `a3': a3 = K
> Failed, modules loaded: none.
> Thanks in advance for any help. Apologies if what I am doing is odd or
> the answer is obvious, I'm still very new to Haskell.
> Darryn.
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