[Haskell-cafe] Suggestion for Network.Socket in regards to PortNumber

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 08:03:43 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Thomas DuBuisson <
thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Johan - glad you chimed in!
> I'm all in favor of keeping a low level interface and don't have an
> issue with Network.Socket existing,  I additionally really like the
> suggestion of moving from the ML to a wiki in the same style as
> Haskell'.
> I'll port these comments to the wiki if that is whats agreed on and
> hold off on other thoughts for now.

Yes, please start a new wiki page. We can still discuss issues here and add
things to the wiki as different solutions materialize.

> * Avoiding a 'heavy weight' solution for socket state might get ugly
> fast with all the 'Either a b' results that we'll need - also a socket
> can close at any time so a socket in 'Connected' state might not
> actually be connected.  I understand the attraction to a light
> solution using existential types but Tim Sheard sketched for me a
> reasonable alternative which I invite him to restate here, if he has
> the time.

Good point. The encodings using existential types are not very lightweight
in my opinion. I'd love to hear Tim's alternative.

-- Johan
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