[Haskell-cafe] Re: Question on rank-N polymorphism
oleg at okmij.org
oleg at okmij.org
Tue Jun 9 02:47:23 EDT 2009
Ryan Ingram discussed a question of writing
> fs f g = (f fst, g snd)
so that fs ($ (1, "2")) type checks.
This is not that difficult:
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses -#}
> {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
> class Apply f x y | f x -> y where
> apply :: f -> x -> y
> instance Apply (x->y) x y where
> apply = ($)
> data Fst = Fst
> data Snd = Snd
> instance Apply Fst (x,y) x where
> apply _ = fst
> instance Apply Snd (x,y) y where
> apply _ = snd
The function in question:
> fs3 f = (apply f Fst, apply f Snd)
-- One of Wouter Swierstra's examples
-- examples = (fs id, fs repeat, fs (\x -> [x]), fs ((,)id))
> data Id a = Id
> instance Apply (Id a) Fst ((a,a) -> a) where
> apply _ _ = fst
> instance Apply (Id a) Snd ((a,a) -> a) where
> apply _ _ = snd
> ex1 = fs3 Id
Now, Ryan's main example
> newtype Pair a b = Pair (forall w. (((a,b) -> w) -> w))
> instance Apply (Pair a b) Fst a where
> apply (Pair f) _ = f fst
> instance Apply (Pair a b) Snd b where
> apply (Pair f) _ = f snd
> ex4 = fs3 (Pair ($ (1, "2")))
> -- (1,"2")
Incidentally, a different variation of this example is discussed in
Indeed, such a selection from a pair occurs quite often...
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