[Haskell-cafe] Slow Text.JSON parser

wren ng thornton wren at freegeek.org
Sun Jan 18 01:18:05 EST 2009

Ketil Malde wrote:
> Sjoerd Visscher <sjoerd at w3future.com> writes:
>> JSON is a UNICODE format, like any modern format is today. ByteStrings
>> are not going to work.
> Well, neither is String as used in the code I responded to.  I'm not
> intimately familiar with JSON, but I believe ByteStrings would work on
> UTF-8 input, and both ByteString and String would fail on UTF-16 and
> UTF-32. 

ByteStrings can handle Unicode just fine, provided the right 
(de)serialization tools:


Live well,

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