[Haskell-cafe] Looking for Haskellers on Windows

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Wed Jan 14 17:35:45 EST 2009

Thank you for the hint.  Please try this patch:


and let me know if it fixes the issue for you.

-- John

kyra wrote:
> John Goerzen wrote:
>> GЭnther Schmidt wrote:
>>> Kyra I've tried any sort of values to any sort of columns. I tried "insert  
>>> into somesinglecolumntable (someNumbercolumn) values (?)" [toSql 5] ...  
>>> and so on.
>>> So I'm not certain at all the error message does actually give the right  
>>> clue.
>>> It just blows no matter what.
> It seems, I've managed to track down the issue.
> Access ODBC driver doesn't support sqlDescribeParam.
> bindCol (Database/HDBC/ODBC/Statement.hsc) contains the following stub 
> for this:
>            do poke pdtype #{const SQL_CHAR}
>               poke pcolsize 0
>               poke pdecdigits 0
> This does not work.
> I've made an experiment replacing 'poke pcolsize 0' with 'poke pcolsize 
> 255'. Now all integer or varchar bindings work!
> It seems simpleSqlColumns or something similar must be used.
> Cheers,
> Kyra

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