[Haskell-cafe] Re: How do we decide on the new logo?

Achim Schneider barsoap at web.de
Fri Jan 2 18:16:26 EST 2009

Fritz Ruehr <fruehr at willamette.edu> wrote:

> Now that the new year is upon us, I suppose we must decide how to  
> decide* on the new logo for the Haskell site.
> I'm not sure what the protocol and procedure for voting and tallying  
> should be, but see below for a suggestion.
> 	(* a higher-order decision, very appropriate)
> If you haven't seen the page on the Wiki with proposed new logos, be  
> sure to go there and take a look
> (but recall that submissions are now closed):
> 	<http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Haskell_logos/New_logo_ideas>
> I want to thank Don for proposing the contest and everyone who  
> contributed logo designs or modifications.
> As the designer of the last "official" logo, I think this new crop
> is terrific, with many suggestions that are more
> professional-looking and sleeker than the old one: I will have a
> hard time deciding which one to vote for.
> Without starting a war on the theory of voting systems, perhaps we  
> should use a system which allows for
> a certain amount of secondary (etc.) preference to be expressed?
Step 1: Crunch down the size of proposals by factoring out common themes
(eg. all the >\= logos count as one)

Step 2: Determine the winner by polling preferences, same-level
preference (ambivalence) allowed
(eg. place 1 for logos C and D, place 2 for A and place 3 for B)

Step 3: Re-open contest, accepting submissions _using_ the winning
logo, in the categories a) colour schemes[1] b), official shapes[2] c),
font[3] to go to b), d) layouts of b) + c)

Step 4: Repeat step 2 for every category of step 3

Step 5: Announce the new buzzword-compliant branding and hand over a
t-shirt to the one who wrote code to apply colour schemes to logos for
displaying step 3.

Obviously, we need to know the winner of step 2 to completely define
step 3.

Did I miss anything?

[1] coloured, monochrome and b/w
[2] shape details[4] vs. (coloured and monochrome vs. b/w)
[3] not forgetting its licence
[4] like whether or not to completely connect that > and \ to a lambda

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