[Haskell-cafe] (Off-topic) CUDA

Adrian Neumann aneumann at inf.fu-berlin.de
Fri Feb 6 03:40:01 EST 2009

Am 05.02.2009 um 09:10 schrieb Andrew Coppin:

> And so, inspired by the marketing litrature, I just spent £££ on a  
> very expensive new GPU that supports CUDA. The only problem is... I  
> can't seem to get any software to use it.
> Does anybody know how to make this stuff actually work?
> (Also... Haskell on the GPU. It's been talked about for years, but  
> will it ever actually happen?)

Have a look at Obsidian

 > http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~joels/

and ask Mr Svenson if there is anything working.

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