[Haskell-cafe] Low Level Audio - Writing bytes to the sound card?

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sat Dec 5 20:34:17 EST 2009

Am Sonntag 06 Dezember 2009 01:49:49 schrieb M Xyz:

I just had another idea.

dafis at linux-mkk1:~> c2hs -o memyself.hs memyself.chs
c2hs: does not exist

it's not that c2hs isn't found or something, c2hs doesn't find Base.chs!

Try installing from the unpacked sources (cd portaudio; cabal install) or the old-
fashioned way:

cd portaudio-0.0.1

ghc --make Setup

./Setup configure --help
(choose your options, prefix, profiling, ...)

./Setup configure $OPTIONS
./Setup build

if all's well,

./Setup haddock
./Setup install

(dies for me with
dist/build/Sound/PortAudio/Base.chs.h:1:23: error: portaudio.h: Datei oder 
Verzeichnisnicht gefunden
c2hs: Error during preprocessing custom header file
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
portaudio-0.0.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
exit: ExitFailure 1
because I don't have portaudio installed)

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