[Haskell-cafe] Announce: EnumMap-0.0.1

Thomas DuBuisson thomas.dubuisson at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 19:14:15 EDT 2009

There exists a small but measurable performance hit for at least one
test case (using Int as keys, obviously).  Perhaps the bias would be
the other way if we were comparing EnumMap to an IntMap wrapped with
to/from Enum.


-- Using Data.IntMap
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ghc --make -O2 im.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( im.hs, im.o )
Linking im ...
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ./im
buildMap:       0.625563s
lookupMap:      0.176478s
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ./im
buildMap:       0.613668s
lookupMap:      0.174151s
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ./im
buildMap:       0.607961s
lookupMap:      0.175584s

-- Using Data.EnumMap
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ vi im.hs
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ghc --make -O2 im.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( im.hs, im.o )
Linking im ...
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ./im
buildMap:       0.705458s
lookupMap:      0.229307s
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ./im
buildMap:       0.71757s
lookupMap:      0.231273s
[tommd at Mavlo Test]$ ./im
buildMap:       0.685333s
lookupMap:      0.23883s

Code (sorry, its ugly I know)
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where

import Data.Time
import qualified Data.EnumMap as E
type IntMap = E.EnumMap Int
-- import qualified Data.IntMap  as E
-- type IntMap = E.IntMap

main = do
        bench "buildMap" buildMap
        !e <- buildMap
        bench "lookupMap" (lookupMap e)

bench str func = do
        start <- getCurrentTime
        !x <- func
        finish <- getCurrentTime
        let diff = diffUTCTime finish start
        putStrLn $ str ++ ":\t" ++ (show diff)

keys = [0..1000000]

buildMap :: IO (IntMap Int)
buildMap = do
        return $ go keys keys E.empty
   go [] _ !m = m
   go _ [] !m = m
   go (k:ks) (e:es) m = go ks es (E.insert k e m)

lookupMap m = do
        check keys m
   check [] _ = return ()
   check (k:ks) m =
        if (E.lookup k m /= Just k)
                then error "blah"
                else check ks m

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 4:02 PM, John Van Enk<vanenkj at gmail.com> wrote:
> What if we say that Enum a generalization, rather than a wrapper, of Int?
> If the benchmarks are even, is there a reason to use the more specific
> structure rather than the general one? I don't know if Enum being
> "more complex" outweighs the benefits of it being "more general" (if
> the EnumMap matches IntMap for speed).
> Thoughts?
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Henning
> Thielemann<lemming at henning-thielemann.de> wrote:
>> On Sat, 8 Aug 2009, John Van Enk wrote:
>>> That's originally how I was thinking about doing it, but I think that
>>> requires one to re-implement all the functions available in
>>> Data.IntMap as simple wrappers that do the toEnum/fromEnum conversion.
>>> I think making it into its own module is a little cleaner. The
>>> conversion from EnumMap to IntMap is substantially cleaner than from
>>> IntMap to EnumMap:
>>>> type IntMap v = EnumMap Int v
>> Can you implement EnumMap in terms of the Enum methods, without many
>> conversions to Int? I mean, if you often convert to Int and back then you
>> could achieve the same on top of IntMap. Generally I prefer the strategy
>> "from simple to complex". I consider Enum to be a "wrapper" around Int.
>>  http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Simple_to_complex
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