[Haskell-cafe] control-timeout with gtk
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva
marcot at riseup.net
Fri Sep 19 08:00:00 EDT 2008
Em Qui, 2008-09-18 às 16:14 -0300, Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva escreveu:
> Em Qui, 2008-09-18 às 11:51 -0700, Adam Langley escreveu:
> > Do you want control-timeout?
> I think control-timeout is very useful. I'll try to fix it, and if I
> could, I'll upload it to hackage then.
I couldn't, and I found a solution to what I want in
System.Glib.MainLoop. So, if someone else is interested in maintaining
this package, feel free to do it.
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