[Haskell-cafe] Re: A heretic question

Dan Weston westondan at imageworks.com
Thu Oct 23 14:28:52 EDT 2008

For the record, C++ (and a crippled scripting language call MEL that 
makes C look good) were used in the Maya 3D graphics software used for 
the Lord of the Rings movies [1]:

"Weta Digital utilized Maya® as the core 3D animation software 
technology throughout the process of creating digital characters and 
effects for the Lord of the Rings™ films -- Lord of the Rings: The 
Fellowship of the Ring ™, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers™, and Lord 
of the Rings: The Return of the King™."


Maya provided at that time (as now) a C++ API for plugins, with a 
data-structure poor MEL scripting language. Now (but not at that time), 
Python can also be used for both scripting and plugins.

There is (as yet) no Haskell API (anyone up for writing one?). Sorry to 
burst y'alls delusions of grandeur. I love Haskell greatly over C++, but 
the claims I've been reading about its use in industry are a still a wee 
bit premature.


Luke Palmer wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Albert Y. C. Lai <trebla at vex.net> wrote:
>> Benjamin L.Russell wrote:
>>> C++ : paintbrush :: Haskell : ?
>> C++ : paintbrush :: Haskell : gimp or photoshop ?
>> [...]
>> C++ : paintbrush :: Haskell : OpenGL ?
>> [...]
>> C++ : paintbrush :: Haskell : graphics software used for the Lord of the
>> Rings movies?
> Nah, I'd say it's:
>  C++ : paintbrush :: Haskell : category theory
> :-)
> Luke
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