[Haskell-cafe] Re: Proving my point
Philippa Cowderoy
flippa at flippac.org
Fri May 16 16:25:01 EDT 2008
On Fri, 16 May 2008, Achim Schneider wrote:
> Andrew Coppin <andrewcoppin at btinternet.com> wrote:
> > Wait... "unexpected end of input; expecting [...] end of input [...]"
> >
> > That's just *wrong*...! ;-)
> >
> > But don't despaire - show us your parser and what it's supposed to
> > parse, and I'm sure somebody [maybe even me] will be able to tell you
> > what's up.
> This is what I came up with while simplifying the parser:
> import Text.Parsec
> identifier = do
> whiteSpace
> s <- many1 letter
> whiteSpace
> return s
> whiteSpace = do
> eof <|> ((many $ choice [ char ' ', newline ]) >> return ())
> main = do
> let syn = runParser (do
> char '\\'
> many1 identifier
> char ':'
> whiteSpace
> identifier
> whiteSpace
> ) () "" "\\a b"
> print syn
> Admittedly, this is a quite degenerate case crouching in at least 10
> corners simultaneously. Anyway, I get
> % ./test
> Left (line 1, column 5):
> unexpected end of input
> expecting end of input, letter or ":"
Confusing, isn't it? It's almost the right message, too. I'm pretty sure
the misbehaviour's because eof doesn't consume - see what happens if you
put an error message on all of whiteSpace?
> and if I change it to
> whiteSpace = do
> (many eof >> return ())
> <|> ((many $ choice [ char ' ', newline ]) >> return ())
> Left (line 1, column 3):
> unexpected " "
> expecting letter, end of input or ":"
Which is broken for your purposes, but that's because many always succeeds
so the changed whiteSpace doesn't actually eat whitespace.
> Please, please don't ask me for the rationale of using eof like this,
> you would get the same answer as if you'd ask me why I cast a stone into
> the sea.
As a matter of general practice I'd suggest including eof exactly once, as
topLevel = do {r <- realTopLevel; eof; return r}
realTopLevel = ...
Which isn't to say that you haven't run into something confusing and
possibly broken here, of course.
flippa at flippac.org
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