[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Related Reading
Marc A. Ziegert
coeus at gmx.de
Sun Jun 29 09:34:57 EDT 2008
i think, you are looking for this paper:
"Functional programming with bananas, lenses, envelopes and barbed wire"
atm, the link is broken or server offline. so here is another reference...
the paper is pretty cool, but it has nothing to do with arrows, monads or haskell-arrows.
for those, i don't know any paper.
- marc
Am Samstag, 28. Juni 2008 schrieb Darrin Thompson:
> I have a trip coming up and might have some reading time. I was hoping to
> get through some of the classics, bananas and lenses, the essence, etc.
> So I have a few questions:
> Bananas and lenses et. al. uses some notation that I don't understand right
> out of the gate. Is there a good primer on whatever that brand of double
> bars and arrows means?
> The essense of functional programming looks good, I could understand it when
> I skimmed it but can I print it out on US letter? The PDF at citeseer was
> aligned badly. (Essece seemed like a fabulous intro or chapter 2 on getting
> used to monads. Better than most stuff on the web. Funny that...)
> I'm also interested in FRP as it might relate to web programming. Anyone
> have a recommendation?
> --
> Darrin
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