[Haskell-cafe] Re: Call Graph Tool?

Jeremy Apthorp nornagon at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 01:18:45 EDT 2008

2008/6/27 Ivan Miljenovic <Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com>:
> C.M.Brown <cmb21 <at> kent.ac.uk> writes:
>> I have approx. 100+ source files and I was wondering if anyone has a tool
>> that would let me see a visual call graph for the source files; i.e. a
>> visual hierarchy of which module is imported by what, and so forth.
> For my maths honours thesis, I'll be writing a tool to help people understand
> the relationships in their Haskell code.  I'm hoping to have a visualisation
> component in there, but that's a relatively low priority.
> Assuming I get it included, is there any features in particular you'd want to
> see in there?  Note that if I do have it produce visualisations, they'll be
> static images as part of an analysis report rather than being interactive.

Just today I wished for something similar for this MATLAB code I'm
maintaining... would be good to have a pluggable syntax definition so
that it could be easily adapted for use with other languages.


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