[Haskell-cafe] Re: Euler 201 performance mystery
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed Jul 16 09:34:27 EDT 2008
apfelmus wrote:
> In other words, we have now calculated the more efficient program
> euler201 = map snd . filter ((==50) . fst) . subsums $ squares
> where
> subsums [] = singleton (0,0)
> subsums (x:xs) = map (\(n,s) -> (n+1,s+x)) (subsums xs) `union` subsums xs
I forgot something very important, namely that the common subexpression
subsums xs has to be shared
euler201 = map snd . filter ((==50) . fst) . subsums $ squares
subsums [] = singleton (0,0)
subsums (x:xs) = let s = subsums xs in map (\(n,s) -> (n+1,s+x)) s `union`s
Otherwise, this exercise would be pointless and the runtime exponential ... :O
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