[Haskell-cafe] Yi and Data.ByteString

gwern0 at gmail.com gwern0 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 14:18:15 EST 2008

On 2008.01.21 19:12:26 +0100, Cetin Sert <cetin.sert at gmail.com> scribbled 1.9K characters:
>    1) Can anyone tell me how I can build Yi or point me to a binary release of that editor?
>    I tried to follow the instructions on http://www.nobugs.org/developer/yi/building.html but got
>    a missing component error each time.

The specific error would help a lot. Also, yi-devel might be a good list to subscribe to.

>    2) When if ever is Data.ByteString going to be the default string representation in GHC?

Not sure. I once asked about this, and it seems that ByteStrings don't support all the operations and definitions [Char] does; and there was mention of Unicode problems. Plus, ByteStrings aren't really built-in - they're a separate library. You could perhaps suggest that [Char] could be often optimized into ByteString operations but then ByteStrings need to either lose their library status and be incorporated into GHC or you need to expand the list of depended libraries... I wouldn't look for't anytime soon.

>    I study computational linguistics and plan to switch to Haskell in the near future, that is
>    once I get to grips with the language and the whole new thought model one has to develop as an
>    imperative programmer.

Well, you're not the first computational linguist. There are some pretty impressive projects in Haskell.

>    Best Regards,
>    Cetin Sert

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