[Haskell-cafe] forkIO on multicore

Luke Palmer lrpalmer at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 11:44:18 EST 2008

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Paul Keir <pkeir at dcs.gla.ac.uk> wrote:

> module Main where
> import Control.Concurrent
> fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
> heavytask m = putMVar m (fibs !! 100000)

Oh, also, heavytask is not very heavy at all.  It just writes the thunk
(fibs !! 100000) into the MVar.  Not a single number is added in this

You probably meant to have the thread evaluate its argument _before_ writing
it to the variable:

heavytask m = putMVar m $! (fibs !! 100000)

(Or more transparently)

heavytask m = let answer = fibs !! 100000 in answer `seq` putMVar m answer

But as per my other comments, you will not see a speedup (in fact, you will
probably see some slowdown as two threads compete to compute the same


> main = do ms <- sequence $ replicate 2 newEmptyMVar
>          mapM_ (forkIO . heavytask) $ tail ms
>          heavytask $ head ms
>          ms' <- mapM takeMVar ms
>          mapM_ print ms'
> Regards,
> Paul
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