[Haskell-cafe] Cleaning up the Debian act (report from the trenches)

Ketil Malde ketil at malde.org
Wed Aug 27 13:08:02 EDT 2008

"David House" <dmhouse at gmail.com> writes:

>> 1. Etch comes with ghc-6.6, and that didn't work with my .cabal file.

> Is it not an option to make your software work with the
> not-quite-latest compiler?

Yes it is, although I don't have the details either.  

Neither do I have an Etch system around, but I should probably
install a virtual machine or something.  Ideally, I should
work out the minimal requirements (including for dependencies, and for
dependencies' dependencies), but in practice, I end up depending on
whatever is installed on the computer I use.  Lazyness bites again. :-)

Would it be an idea for hackage to have various "build hosts",
automatically trying to compile things on less-than-current installs?

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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