[Haskell-cafe] Building "production stable" software in Haskell

Adrian Hey ahey at iee.org
Mon Sep 17 13:31:20 EDT 2007

Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi
>>> They are less stable and have less quality control.
>> Surely you jest? I see no evidence of this, rather the contrary in fact.
> No, dead serious. The libraries have a library submission process.

It does not follow that libraries that have not been submitted
to this process "are less stable and have less quality control". Nor
does it follow that libraries that have been through this submission
process are high quality, accurately documented, bug free and efficient
(at least not ones I've looked at and sometimes even used).

> Also some libraries on hackage are "0.1" etc - even the author doesn't
> particularly think they are stable!

There are plenty of libs bundled with ghc marked "experimental" or
"provisional" (in fact pretty much all of them AFAICS) - even the author
doesn't particularly think they are stable!


Adrian Hey

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