[Haskell-cafe] "with" and "preserving" for local state

Jules Bean jules at jellybean.co.uk
Wed Oct 3 09:08:43 EDT 2007

Lots of external libraries contain state, but one that really contains a 
*lot* of state is the OpenGL libraries, since OpenGL is specified as a 

This means that when you're writing structured code you quite often want 
to save and restore chunks of state 'automatically'. For the very most 
common case (coordinate transformations) Sven gives us 
'preservingMatrix' which is extremely handy. Unless I've missed 
something there's no similar API for saving/restoring arbitrary state 
variables. It's not hard to write:

 > {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
 > import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
 > import Graphics.UI.GLUT
 > preserving :: (HasSetter g, HasGetter g) => g a -> IO t -> IO t
 > preserving var act = do old <- get var
 >                         ret <- act
 >                         var $= old
 >                         return ret

This enables us to write

preserving lighting $ do .....

Note that, since IORef is an instance of HasGetter and HasSetter, you 
can do 'preserving' on any old IORef, not just an openGL StateVar.
Also note that the 'makeStateVar' interface that 
Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar exports allows you to make a 
statevar out of any appropriate action pair (not entirely unrelated to 

Sometimes you don't only want to preserve a value, but set a specific 
temporary value, so:

 > with :: (HasSetter g, HasGetter g) => g a -> a -> IO t -> IO t
 > with var val act = do old <- get var
 >                       var $= val
 >                       ret <- act
 >                       var $= old
 >                       return ret

with lighting Enabled $ do ....

(of course, with could be written as

with var val act = preserving var $ var $= val >> act

But this gets really clumsy if you have multiple variables to 
save/restore, which is really what lead me to write this message in the 
first place. A cute syntax for doing multiple save/restores at once is 
given by an existential:

 > data TemporaryValue = forall a g.
 >                       (HasGetter g,HasSetter g) =>
 >                       g a := a
 > with' :: [TemporaryValue] -> IO t -> IO t
 > with' tvs act = do olds <- mapM (\(a := b) -> do old <- get a
 >                                                  return (a := old))
 >                               tvs
 >                    ret <- act
 >                    mapM_ (\(a := b) -> a $= b) tvs
 >                    return ret

so we can then write:

with' [lighting := Enabled, currentColor := Color4 1 0 1 0] $ do ...

and have a type safe list of temporary assignments passed as an 
argument. And, amazingly, you get decent error messages too:

*Main> :t with' [lighting := Enabled, currentColor := Color4 1 0 1 0]
with' [lighting := Enabled, currentColor := Color4 1 0 1 0] :: IO t -> IO t
*Main> :t with' [lighting := Enabled, currentColor := "Foo"]

     Couldn't match expected type `Color4 GLfloat'
	   against inferred type `[Char]'
     In the second argument of `(:=)', namely `"Foo"'
     In the expression: currentColor := "Foo"
     In the first argument of `with'', namely
	`[lighting := Enabled, currentColor := "Foo"]'

Hope someone else finds that useful,


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