[Haskell-cafe] Unix (Posix) low-level device driver functionality?

Galchin Vasili vigalchin at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 21:13:02 EST 2007


   I am seriously trying to push the mainstream computer industry. I am a
kernel developer for POSIX OS's (e.g. Linux) and Windows. I would at the
very least be able to write "test"/correctness software in Haskell where I
am able to open Unix/Windows drivers and test storage firmware. The
possibility exists in Houston to do this .. I want FPLs (in particular
Haskell) to strut their "stuff" even on humble stubble stuff like firmware
verification. In any case, it seems like the GHC documentation allows "raw
driver I/O"but when I look at the actual GHC 6.8.1 libraries I don't see low
level driver functionailty.

Kind regards, Vasya
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