[Haskell-cafe] Re: Weird ghci behaviour?

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 06:29:15 EST 2007

Jonathan Cast wrote:
> On 13 Nov 2007, at 11:03 PM, Jules Bean wrote:
>> Just to be clear: my proposal is that if you want it to go faster you do
>> ghci foo.hi
>> or
>> ghci foo.o
>> ... so you still have the option to run on compiled code.
>> My suggestion is simply that "ghci foo.hs" is an instruction to load 
>> source code (similarly :load); while "ghci foo.o" is obviously an 
>> instruction to load compiled code.
> Even just having
> :m + *Foo

Currently :m doesn't load any modules, it just alters the "context" (what's 
in scope at the prompt), and fails if you ask for a module that isn't 
loaded.  It would make sense for :m +M to behave like :add if M wasn't 
loaded, though.  And perhaps :add *M or :load *M should ignore compiled 
code for M - that's another option.


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