[Haskell-cafe] Language extensions

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Mon May 28 04:07:12 EDT 2007

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On May 27, 2007, at 17:23 , Andrew Coppin wrote:
>> Personally, I try to avoid ever using list comprehensions. But every 
>> now and then I discover an expression which is apparently not 
>> expressible without them - which is odd, considering they're only 
>> "sugar"...
> They are.  But they're sugar for monadic operations in the list monad, 
> so you have to use (>>=) and company to desugar them.  [x | filter 
> even x, x <- [1..10]] becomes do { x <- [1..10]; return (filter even 
> x) } becomes ([1..10] >>= return . filter even).
> (Aren't you glad you asked?)

Mmm... LOL!

Actually, I recently read something in a book called The Fun of 
Programming. It basically explains how to implement Prolog in Haskell, 
including presenting an extremely inefficient way to factorise integers:

  factors n = do
    x <- [1..100]
    y <- [1..100]
    if x * y == n
      then return (x,y)
      else []

I should point out that desugaring do-blocks is possibly one of the 
hardest things for a Haskell newbie to figure out, but I think I've 
mastered it now. What we actually have above is

  factors n =
    [1..100] >>= \x ->
    [1..100] >>= \y ->
    if x * y == n
       then [(x,y)]
       else []

which makes it quite clear why "x <- [1..100]" actually causes x to 
range over all the numbers in the list. (That's the great thing about 
monads - sometimes it can be hard to wrap your mind around what they 
actually do when used in nontrivial ways...)

Of course, the book explains how to write a new monad that allows 
infinite lists to be used, and yet still find all factors in finite 
time. (This involves the Evil ******* Function From Hell I mentioned a 
while ago.) And then they go on to explain how to implement unification 
- something I would never have worked out in a million years. And after 
reading the whole chapter, finally I understand how it is possible for 
Prolog to exist, even though computers aren't intelligent...

Then again, later on in the very same book there's a chapter entitled 
"Fun with Phantom Types", which made precisely no sense at all...

(I find this a lot with Haskell. There is stuff that is clearly written, 
fairly easily comprehensible, and extremely interesting. And then 
there's stuff that no matter how many times you read it, it just makes 
no sense at all. I'm not sure exactly why that is.)

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