[Haskell-cafe] Monad pronounced like gonad?

Melissa O'Neill oneill at cs.hmc.edu
Thu May 10 16:19:10 EDT 2007

Although I hate to resort to dictionaries, curiosity got the better  
of me and I find the following.

According to both Merriam Webster and the OED, monad is indeed  
pronounced exactly like gonad.  BUT, in the UK at least, there is  
more than way to pronounce gonad, so it doesn't necessarily clarify  

In the US (according to Merriam Webster), it appears that the correct  
pronunciation is mō-nad, like joe-nad.

In the UK (according to the OED), it appears that the pronunciation  
is either mȯ-nad, like gone-bad (i.e., with an "o" sound like the  
"o" in lot or pot), or  mō-nad, like joe-nad.

So, from this information, we can conclude that to be truly  
international, go with the long O sound, and to sound more English,  
use the short o sound.


P.S. See http://mw1.merriam-webster.com/pronsymbols.html for the  
meanings of the phonetic symbols "ō" and "ȯ". (Assuming they make  
it through email, etc., which is probably unlikely, but we'll see.)

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