[Haskell-cafe] An interesting toy

Stefan O'Rear stefanor at cox.net
Sat May 5 16:28:33 EDT 2007

On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 09:17:50PM +0100, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Ryan Dickie wrote:
> >Sounds like a neat program. I'm on a laptop right now but i'll check 
> >it out later.
> >The reason I am mailling is because you can use mencoder to convert a 
> >stream of image files into a video file.
> Indeed, it is pretty neat. I'd post an image, but I'm not sure whether 
> the other people on this list would appriciate a binary attachment. I'm 

AFAIK, nobody cares about binaryness per se.  It's merely the fact
that images tend to be rather large...  Is it <=50kb? (typical maximum
size of a 1-line patch that has been bloated by darcs' ultra low
density context format)

> hoping to make a DVD of various simulations - but that's kind of 
> difficult when rendering full-size animations takes many hours! >_< 
> Hence the request for optimisation help... ;-)
> Mencoder works on Linux, IrfanView + VirtualDub does it nicely on 
> Windoze, I'm sure MacOS has something that can stitch PPM images 
> together too. Use whatever you have on your platform. :-D

I've had success with ffmpeg years ago (linux)


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