[Haskell-cafe] Two Other AI Sources
Alfonso Acosta
alfonso.acosta at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 00:00:11 EDT 2007
Just in case it helps, I ported the code of Norvigs Paradigms of
Artificial Intelligence Programming chapter 8 (integrals and
derivates) for a collage course.
It passes all the tests proposed by Norvig in his book, includes an
expression parser written in Parsec and has a small libreadline
I as well have a pretty bad written report (done in a hurry before the
deadline) but could be useful to understand the differences between
the Norvigs implementation and my port.
On 3/19/07, Adam Wyner <adam at wyner.info> wrote:
> For the Haskell and AI work, we ought to consider AI programming books
> in addition to Russell and Norvig:
> /Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp/, P. Norvig,
> 1991.
> /Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence/, I. Bratko, 1990./
> Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Prolog/, Y. Shoham, 1994.
> Perhaps there are newer additions (e.g. Bratko), but the problems and
> solutions from these languages are presented. We can build on them
> rather than starting from scratch or even just the theoretical outline
> of Russell and Norvig.
> Adam
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