[Haskell-cafe] Proposal: simple interface to libraries Haddock

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Fri Mar 2 21:37:05 EST 2007

> http://docs.haskell.org/Data.Map.funcname

this reminded me that haddock has long generated files with paths and relative urls 
that allow you to do that kind of thing, if slightly cryptically, and that i have long 
wanted to access the local haddocs from vim. since i'm a bit slow learning about 
new things like hoodoc;-) i had to write a little vim command, the first draft of which 
is attached (tried with vim7.0, ghc-6.4.1, windows, opera; please change paths/details 
and fix bugs, as appropriate).

it doesn't do much more than encode a qualified name into a haddoc-url, but anyway..

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