[Haskell-cafe] Useful IDE features -

Peter Verswyvelen bf3 at telenet.be
Tue Jun 19 14:12:51 EDT 2007

That looks nice, just unfortunate you need to cast to ::Float in homer2?Age::Float. I don't see why this is needed, but I must say I don't understand your code completely yet, working on that :) 

Also, wouldn't this approach be less performant? Or is GHC that good that ist compiles away all the overhead?

>----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
>Van: Claus Reinke [mailto:claus.reinke at talk21.com]
>Verzonden: dinsdag, juni 19, 2007 01:37 PM
>Aan: haskell-cafe at haskell.org
>Onderwerp: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Useful IDE features -  "implement instance"
>> Just another wild idea which I might find useful, but is more like
>> refactoring, is to convert the fields of a record to get/set type-classes,
>> and refactor all usages of those fields.
>you could use a preprocessor (DrIFT, Data.Derive) to derive the 
>instances, but you need to share the class declarations between all 
>client modules.
>> -------------------
>> data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Float }
>> main = print $ name p ++ " is " ++ show (age p) ++ " years old"
>> where p = Person { name = "Homer", age = 41 }
>> -------------------
>alternatively, you could generalise this a bit, so that there is only one 
>class for all combinations of records, fields, and field value types, and
>then generalise it further so that you only need one pair of instances
>to define selection and update for all records. that kind of operates at
>the borders of the language, so you lose portability (the nicest version
>is ghc-only; nearly all language extensions used are also supported
>by hugs, but with a slightly different interpretation). you'd still need 
>to share the label types between all client modules.
>{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
>{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
>{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
>infixl ?
>infixr <:,:<
>------------------- poor man's records
>-- record extension 
>-- (ghc only: infix constructor; for hugs, use (,) instead)
>data fieldValue :< record = fieldValue :< record
>-- field selection (?) and update (<:)
>-- needs overlapping instances to recurse down record extensions
>-- for hugs: drop the functional dependency, use more type annotations
>class Has field value record | field record -> value where
>    (?)  :: record -> field -> value
>    (<:) :: (field,value) -> record -> record
>-- if the first field matches, we're done
>instance Has field value ((field,value) :< record) where
>  ((_f,v) :< _) ?  f            = v
>  (f,v)        <: ((_f,_) :< r) = ((f,v) :< r)
>-- otherwise, try again, with the remaining record
>instance Has field value record => Has field value ((f,v) :< record) where
>  ((f',v') :< r) ?  f             = r ? f
>  (f,v)         <: ((f',v') :< r) = ((f',v') :< ( (f,v)<:r ) )
>-- some field labels
>data Name = Name
>data Age  = Age
>------------------- a generic version, no separate Person type or instances
>type Person1 = (Name,String) :< (Age,Float) :< ()
>homer :: Person1
>homer = (Name,"Homer") :< (Age,41) :< ()
>test1 = print $ homer?Name ++ " is " ++ show(homer?Age) ++ " years old"
>------------------- a more down-to-earth version, closer to the original
>data Person = Person String Float
>instance Has Name String Person where
>    (Person name age) ?  Name             = name
>    (Name,newName)   <: (Person name age) = Person newName age
>instance Has Age Float Person where
>    (Person name age) ?  Age              = age
>    (Age,newAge)     <: (Person name age) = Person name newAge
>defaultPerson = Person "" 0
>homer2 = (Name,"Homer2") <: (Age,42::Float) <: defaultPerson
>test2 = print $ homer2?Name ++ " is " ++ show(homer2?Age::Float) ++ " years old"
>main = test1 >> test2
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