[Haskell-cafe] Re: IDE?

Jean-Philippe Bernardy jeanphilippe.bernardy at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 15:39:40 EDT 2007

Claus Reinke <claus.reinke <at> talk21.com> writes:

>     This was followed by Ermacs, a concurrent
>     Emacs clone written completely in Erlang. Ermacs
>     is fairly complete – it has major modes for
>     Erlang and Scheme programming, a built-in Erlang
>     shell, and support for efficiently editing large
>     files. However, once the core editor was complete,
>     it was obvious that GNU Emacs has an incredibly
>     large set of wonderful features, and that extending
>     Ermacs to include “enough” of them was
>     completely out of the question.
>     The lessons learned from Ermacs lead to Distel,..
> how is Yi going to avoid that trap?

Here's the plan for world domination:

* Many features are going to be written/replicated as haskell libraries anyway,
for usage as independent libraries.
* Make sure gluing code is relatively easy

I frankly suspect that haskell is a lot more powerful than erlang, and therefore
it will be way easier to write code for Yi than Ermacs. 

For example, Ben Moseley has written a rudimentary Dired mode for Yi in about a
week (I think), with no prior knowledge of Yi. The module is now 347 lines long
(including blanks and comments)

Also, I suspect haskell will become more popular than erlang, and the
contributions to the respective editor of choice proportional.


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