[Haskell-cafe] GHC 6.6.1: Where is Graphics.SOE ?

Dmitri O.Kondratiev dokondr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 09:35:36 EDT 2007

On 7/17/07, Malte Milatz <malte at gmx-topmail.de> wrote:
> Dmitri O.Kondratiev:
> > It looks like Graphics.SOE does not anymore exist  in GHC  6.6.1.
> > Where one can get it or what to use  instead of it?
> You may try Gtk2Hs, which includes an implementation of SOE, called
> Graphics.SOE.Gtk.  (It works independently of the actual Gtk API.)  Use
> then the darcs version, because I remember an SOE bug fixed since the
> last release.
> Malte
Thanks. The problem is that I need to run SOE on Win32.  When I try to run a
simple SOE app. in GHCi with Gtk2Hs Win32 release, this code:

module GWindow where
import Graphics.SOE.Gtk

main() =
    runGraphics (
                 do w <- openWindow "Graphics Test" (300, 300)
                    drawInWindow w (text (100, 200) "Hello Graphics World")
                    k <- getKey w
                    closeWindow w

displays a window and hangs.

I can get development release of Gtk2Hs with darcs, but how can I build it
on Win32?


Dmitri O. Kondratiev
dokondr at gmail.com
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