[Haskell-cafe] A very nontrivial parser
Jonathan Cast
jcast at ou.edu
Fri Jul 6 13:43:47 EDT 2007
On Friday 06 July 2007, Andrew Coppin wrote:
> Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> > andrewcoppin:
> >> Personally, I just try to avoid *all* language extensions - mainly
> >> because most of them are utterly incomprehensible. (But then, perhaps
> >> that's just because they all cover extremely rare edge cases?)
> >
> > Some cover edge cases, some are just useful. What about:
> >
> > * the FFI
> > * bang patterns
> > * pattern guards
> > * newtype deriving
> >
> > Surely, fairly simple, useful. Used a lot? :-)
> * The FFI - isn't that now officially "in" the language? (I thought
> there was an official report amendment.) Either way, I can't do C, so...
> it looks pretty incomprehensible from here. ;-)
It's in Haskell, but not Haskell 98:
> The benefit of a H98 Addendum over any random language extension provided by
> some Haskell implementation is that a H98 Addendum is a standardised
> design, and programs coded against such an addendum can be expected to be
> portable across implementations that support this standard.
> Generally, implementations of H98 are not required to implement all H98
> Addenda,
> but if such an implementation does provide a feature that is covered by an
> addendum, it is expected that this extension conforms to that addendum (in
> the same way as it is expected to abide by the H98 language definition).
> * Bang patterns - what's that?
If you stick a ! in front of a variable in a pattern, or in front of a pattern
in a let-binding, whatever that variable is getting bound to, or whatever
that pattern is getting matched against, is evaluated before the binding
takes place (rather than being suspended in a thunk, as normal). So if you
foldl' f z [] = z
foldl' f !z (x:xn) = foldl' f (f z x) xn
foldl' is always strict in its second argument (which produces a tremendous
speed-up; compare foldl (+) 0 with foldl' (+) 0 as definitions of sum).
> * Pattern guards - that's not in the language?
Nope. Not even a candidate extension. (I assume you know that pattern guards
are guards of the form
-- | Cut-off subtraction function
cutOffSub :: Integegral alpha => alpha -> alpha -> Maybe alpha
cutOffSub x y = do
let d = x - y
guard $ d >= 0
return d
genericDrop :: Integral int => int -> [alpha] -> [alpha]
genericDrop _ [] = []
genericDrop 0 xn = []
genericDrop n (x:xn) | Just n' <- cutOffSub n 1 = genericDrop n' xn
pattern guard
Guards on case expression patterns /are/ part of the language, but isn't what
is meant by `pattern guards'.)
> * Newtype deriving - what's that?
Given that C is a (well-behaved) type class, and T is an instance of that
newtype S = S T deriving C
will always make S and T isomorphic in C in GHC. Exceptions: classes too
funky for GHC to figure out what the class methods for S should be, and Read
and Show, which by the definition of deriving (and the expectations of 90% of
the classes' users) lack isomorphic instances entirely.
So, we can define the RWS monad as
newtype RWS r w s alpha = RWS (ReaderT r (WriterT w (State s)) alpha)
deriving Monad
for example.
Jonathan Cast
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