[Haskell-cafe] Re: proposal: HaBench, a Haskell Benchmark Suite

Bulat Ziganshin bulat.ziganshin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 17:56:32 EST 2007

Hello David,

Friday, January 26, 2007, 6:23:26 PM, you wrote:

>> performance was not very good (the OCaml version I based it on was at
>> least 10x faster).

> I would think that what we'd want to benchmark would be clean, optimized
> actually-used code.  I.e. things like Data.Bytestring, so that we could see

so you propose to benchmark only low-level imperative code? :)

(correct me if i'm wrong, but everything fast i've seen, including FPS,
is just imperative code)

Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at gmail.com

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