[Haskell-cafe] Redefining superclass default methods in a subclass

Brian Hulley brianh at metamilk.com
Mon Jan 15 14:26:30 EST 2007

Meng Wang wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Thank you for starting the thread. We (Martin Sulzmann and me)
> proposed a type class extension which allows modular extension of
> superclasses (a complement of subclass extension). The idea has been
> shown to be particularly useful in (but not limited to) encodings of
> generic programming with type classes. A brief introduction of the
> proposal is documented in our wiki:
> http://taichi.ddns.comp.nus.edu.sg/taichiwiki/GPHomePage. I will try
> to add it as a link in yours soon.
> A more detailed and formal description of the proposal can be found
> in our Workshop on Generic Programming 06 paper which is available at
> http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~sulzmann
> http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/meng.wang/

Thanks - I've added the above links to 
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Class_system_extension_proposal along 
with a one-line summary which I'm sure is totally imperfect but hopefully 
not too misleading ;-)

Best regards, Brian.

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