[Haskell-cafe] numeric minimization in Haskell

Chad Scherrer chad.scherrer at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 13:58:30 EST 2007

Does anyone know of any Haskell code for numeric minimization? I was
thinking conjugate gradient would be good, but at this point I'd be
happy with anything.

I've found some code written by Tomasz Cholewo at
but it requires importing his "Arr.lhs" library, which is not publicly

The only other thing I've been able to dig up is this
which suggests Haskell is slow for such problems. I suspect this was
an implementation issue, so I don't think their code would be very
helpful (though it would be nice to tidy it up and demonstrate the
improvement - could it beat the Clean implementation they give?)

The other possibility I was considering was using Alberto Ruiz's
wrapper for the GSL library
The only problems with this are (1) requires having GSL available, so
it's not as portable, and (2) does everything in terms of lists, which
requires a lot of translations to and from lists (I'm using mutable

If there's nothing already written that works together, one of these
should give me a start, but I'd like to avoid reinventing the wheel if



Chad Scherrer

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" -- Groucho Marx

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