[Haskell-cafe] What's wrong with "cgi-undecidable"?

Matthew Brecknell haskell at brecknell.org
Sat Feb 10 03:04:20 EST 2007

<keepbal at gmail.com> said:

> Then another problem,after I unregistered cgi-2006.9.6,the
> fastcgi-2006.10.9could't work well with
> cgi-1.0 .

You might need fastcgi-1.0:


> Actually,I was trying my best to install hope:
> http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~bringert/darcs/hope  and lasted for three
> days,
> it's really too hard.

Would I be right to think that your problems are not specifically
related to the cgi/fastcgi/hope code-base, but more general problems
diagnosing package version conflicts?

The Haskell community has been working hard to improve various aspects
of the user experience. Perhaps if you describe the kinds of issues you
had (and any solutions you've found), others on the list might be
motivated to provide a better experience for future users.

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