[Haskell-cafe] Point and link

Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus at goto10.org
Fri Dec 7 15:19:35 EST 2007

Denis Bueno wrote:
> On Dec 7, 2007 1:50 PM, Andrew Coppin <andrewcoppin at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> Here's a fairly basic question. I have several ideas for programs that
>> I'd like to write. They all involve placing "units" of some kind, and
>> then drawing "connections" between those units. How feasible is it to
>> program such a thing in Haskell? Where would you start? (Gtk2hs is the
>> only graphics API I'm familiar with using at present.)

A bit off-topic for this list, but seeing as I'm replying anyway, I've 
done something like that with SVG and Javascript:


I imagine (having never used it) Gtk has similar ways to bind "event 
listeners" to "graphical elements" to implement drag and drop type 
stuff, and it will most likely be much less error-prone than Javascript 
(I still haven't got the drag and drop right in Graphgrow...).

> Do you need to update positions of the units in real time?  Do they
> even evolve over time, or are you just trying to visualise?
> If it's the latter, you might just take a collection of units and
> connections between them, output them in the graphviz [0] format, and
> see the resulting drawing.  Graphviz is for visualising arbitrary
> graphs, and it's quite good at it.

Coincidentally I tried this the other day:



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