[Haskell-cafe] Ideas

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 25 08:33:20 EDT 2007

Neil Mitchell wrote:
>> - A wiki program. (Ditto.)
> Flippi (google: Haskell Flippi)

...and yet haskell.org uses WikiMedia? (Which is written in something 
bizzare like Perl...)

>> - A general CMS.
> Hope

Woo! I'll have to go play with this for a while...

>> - An interactive function plotter. (GNUplot is nice, but it can't plot
>> recursive functions...)
> None that I know of.

Mmm, OK. I would have thought it would be a nice project for somebody...

>> - A "graphical programming tool". (You add boxes and put in lines, it
>> constructs a "program" that you can run.)
> You mean a programming tool with a horrible syntax and user interface?

LOL! That's not entirely what I meant... ;-)

Have you ever played with KLogic? You draw boxes and lines, and it makes 
some logic. (As in the digital electronics sense of "logic".)

I have some (very expensive) software called Reaktor. You draw boxes and 
lines, it does DSP algorithms. You build synthesizers and effects boxes 
with it.

You get the idea.

(The trouble with KLogic is its utter buggyness... I'd love to have a 
tool like it that actually works properly!)

> If you want to remove the joy from programming, just use Ada.

Or Perl. Or Java. Or C. Or C++. Or VB. Or...

> Alternatively, use PureData, which can be extended with Haskell, and
> gives boxes and lines.
> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/AngloHaskell/2007#Abstracts

OK, I'll take a cool.

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