[Haskell-cafe] Type classes: Missing language feature?
Derek Elkins
derek.a.elkins at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 09:59:55 EDT 2007
On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 12:58 +0000, DavidA wrote:
> Hi, there's something I'm trying to do with type classes that seems to fit very
> naturally with my mental model of type classes, but doesn't seem to be
> supported by the language. I'm wondering whether I'm missing something, or
> whether there's some language extension that could help me or alternative way
> of achieving what I'm trying to achieve.
> I'm trying to define multivariate polynomials, which are sums of monomials -
> for example x^2y + z^4. In algorithms on multivariate polynomials, one
> typically wants to support different monomial orders. For example, the lex
> order is dictionary order - xxy < xy < y < yyy - whereas the graded lex (glex)
> order also takes into account the degree of the monomials - y < xy < xxy < yyy.
> Here's some code (based on http://sigfpe.blogspot.com/2007/07/ill-have-
> buchburger-with-fries.html):
> import Data.Map as M
> import Data.List as L
> newtype Monomial = Monomial (Map String Int) deriving (Eq)
> x = Monomial $ singleton "x" 1
> y = Monomial $ singleton "y" 1
> instance Show Monomial where
> show (Monomial a) = concatMap (\(v,i)-> v ++ "^" ++ show i) $ toList a --
> simplified for brevity
> instance Num Monomial where
> Monomial a * Monomial b = Monomial $ unionWith (+) a b
> newtype Lex = Lex Monomial deriving (Eq)
> newtype Glex = Glex Monomial deriving (Eq)
> instance Ord Lex where
> Lex (Monomial m) <= Lex (Monomial m') = toList m <= toList m'
> instance Ord Glex where
> Glex (Monomial m) <= Glex (Monomial m') = (sum $ elems m, toList m) <= (sum
> $ elems m', toList m')
> Now, what I'd like to do is have Lex and Glex, and any further monomial
> orderings I define later, automatically derive Show and Num instances from
> Monomial (because it seems like boilerplate to have to define Show and Num
> instances by hand). Something like the following (not valid Haskell):
> class OrdMonomial m where
> fromRaw :: Monomial -> m
> toRaw :: m -> Monomial
> instance OrdMonomial Lex where
> fromRaw m = Lex m
> toRaw (Lex m) = m
> instance OrdMonomial Glex where
> fromRaw m = Glex m
> toRaw (Glex m) = m
> derive OrdMonomial m => Show m where
> show m = show (toRaw m)
> derive OrdMonomial m => Num m where
> m * m' = fromRaw (toRaw m * toRaw m')
> Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? (Preferably without resorting to
> template Haskell, etc) - It seems like a natural thing to want to do.
I don't think there is a way to do exactly what you want. However,
there's an alternative approach that you may want to look at. Right now
you are using a technique called Wrapper types. An alternative would be
to use phantom types and have the ordering be specified by the type
parameter. So something like the following,
newtype Monomial ord = Monomial (Map String Int) deriving (Eq)
instance Show (Monomial ord) where
show (Monomial a) = concatMap (\(v,i)-> v ++ "^" ++ show i) $ toList a
instance Num (Monomial ord) where
Monomial a * Monomial b = Monomial $ unionWith (+) a b
data Lex -- this uses a minor extension which is not necessary
data GLex
instance Ord (Monomial Lex) where
Monomial m <= Monomial m' = toList m <= toList m'
instance Ord (Monomial GLex) where
Monomial m <= Monomial m'
= (sum $ elems m, toList m) <= (sum $ elems m', toList m')
You can add a trivial conversion function
convertOrdering :: Monomial a -> Monomial b
convertOrdering (Monomial x) = Monomial x
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