[Haskell-cafe] Newbie seeking advice regarding data structure
for a tricky algorithm
Tillmann Rendel
rendel at rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Apr 24 15:31:49 EDT 2007
Toby Hutton wrote:
> Say I want to put the words 'foo', 'bar' and 'baz' into a binary tree. The
> heuristic requires I split the words into letters and sort them:
> 'aabbfoorz'. The heuristic then may decide, based on the sorted letters,
> that 'bar' and 'foo' should go in the left child and 'baz' goes in the
> right. Typically we'd then simply recurse and for example, the left
> child's
> words would be re-sorted into 'abfoor' and the heuristic is reapplied.
> If we assume that sorting is relatively expensive, we can avoid the re-sort
> for the children by unmerging the parent's sorted list of letters. Two
> sublists of a sorted list should already be sorted. If we know which word
> each letter belongs to it would be more efficient to tag the letters with
> 'left' or 'right' as the words are classified. Then we can iterate down
> the sorted letter list and produce new sorted sublists rather simply.
> So it's not actually that complicated, and I can imagine exactly how it
> could be done in C but I really don't know how to approach this in Haskell.
What about just storing with each character a "reference" to the word it
orignally comes from?
> import Data.List (sortBy)
> data Tagged = Tag String Char
> tag :: Tagged -> String
> tag (Tag x _) = x
> compareTagged :: Tagged -> Tagged -> Ordering
> (Tag _ x) `compareTagged` (Tag _ y) = x `compare` y
> tagWord :: String -> [Tagged]
> tagWord word = map (Tag word) word
> unmerge :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> ([a], [a])
> unmerge xs p = foldr f ([], []) xs where
> f x (ls, rs) | p x = (x:ls, rs)
> | otherwise = (ls, x:rs)
> data Tree = Empty | Leaf String | Node Tree Tree
> tree :: ([Tagged] -> String -> Bool) -> [String] -> Tree
> tree heuristic words = tree' words sorted where
> -- we only need to sort once ...
> sorted = sortBy compareTagged . concat . map tagWord $ words
> tree' [] _ = Empty
> tree' [word] _ = Leaf word
> tree' words sorted = let
> predicate = heuristic sorted
> (leftWords, rightWords) = unmerge words predicate
> -- ... because we reuse the ordered list by unmerging it
> (leftSorted, rightSorted) = unmerge sorted (predicate . tag)
> in
> Node (tree' leftWords leftSorted) (tree' rightWords rightSorted)
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