[Haskell-cafe] Difficult memory leak in array processing

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at talk21.com
Mon Nov 27 09:21:32 EST 2006

> In fact it turned out that the example code I posted did not exhibit the
> memory leak at all. It just took a /very long time/ to complete
> (compared to a Java version), but it did complete. My complete code,
> which also counted the instances of a given number from the array, does
> however exhibit the leak. It is here:

quick guess, and useful pattern-to-avoid: tail-recursive functions with 
non-strict accumulators may be tail recursive, but they build up unevaluated 
expressions representing the accumulations; when those are forced by 
inspection, the evaluator descends non-tail-recursively into those possibly 
deep accumulations (..(0+1)..+1), possibly resulting in stack overflows.
the worker in genSeries inspects its parameters at each call, keeping 
them evaluated; the worker in countNumbers inspects only its first two
parameters, possibly (depending on optimizations) leaving acc
unevaluated. try: worker lo (i-1) $! acc


> module Main where
> import Data.Array.IO
> import System.Random
> type Buffer = IOUArray Int Int
> -- | Triangular Probability Density Function, equivalent to a roll of
> two dice.
> -- The number sums have different probabilities of surfacing.
> tpdf :: (Int, Int) -> IO Int
> tpdf (low, high) = do
>    first <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
>    second <- getStdRandom (randomR (low, high))
>    return ((first + second) `div` 2)
> -- | Fills an array with dither generated by the specified function.
> genSeries :: Buffer -> ((Int, Int) -> IO Int) -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()
> genSeries buf denfun lims =
>    let worker low i
>            | i >= low = do
>                r <- denfun lims
>                writeArray buf i r
>                worker low (i - 1)
>            | otherwise = return ()
>    in do
>        (lo, hi) <- getBounds buf
>        worker lo hi
> countNumbers :: Buffer -> Int -> IO Int
> countNumbers buf x =
>    let worker lo i acc
>            | i >= lo = do
>                n <- readArray buf i
>                if n == x
>                    then worker lo (i - 1) (acc + 1)
>                    else worker lo (i - 1) acc
>            | otherwise = return acc
>    in do
>        (lo, hi) <- getBounds buf
>        worker lo hi 0
> main = do
>    buf <- newArray_ (0, 10000000) :: IO Buffer
>    genSeries buf tpdf (2, 12)
>    sevens <- countNumbers buf 7
>    putStrLn ("Magic number sevens: " ++ show sevens)
>    return 0
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