[Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] SimonPJ and Tim Harris explain STM
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Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Fri Nov 24 13:25:01 EST 2006
I posted an improved version of the new monad to the wiki at
** This idiom made it easy for the retrying case to queue an action which
ensures success in the next attempt.
** More than one operation can be queued for both the commit and the retry
** Reading the TVar in the onRetry/retryWith branch sees the "rolled back"
value, which luckily is the initialization value instead of undefined in the
case where the TVar was created in the aborted block.
** The new code includes unlift* operations which makes the STM code in
testUnlift much easier to write.
The relevant example its output are now:
-- Example code using the above, lifting into MonadAdvSTM:
test ::(Monad m, MonadAdvSTM m) => TVar Bool -> m [Char]
test todo = do
onCommit (print "onCommit Start")
onRetry (print "onRetry Start")
v <- liftAdv $ newTVar 7
liftAdv $ writeTVar v 42
onCommit (atomically (readTVar v) >>= \x->print ("onCommit v",x))
onRetry (atomically (readTVar v) >>= \x->print ("onRetry v",x))
choice <- liftAdv $ readTVar todo
case choice of
True -> return "foo"
False -> retryWith $ do
atomically (writeTVar todo True)
print "Flipped choice to True to avoid infinite loop"
-- Same example as test, but unlifting from AdvSTM
testUnlift :: TVar Bool -> AdvSTM [Char]
testUnlift todo = do
onCommit <- unlift1 onCommit
onRetry <- unlift1 onRetry
retryWith <- unlift1 retryWith
liftAdv $ do
onCommit (print "onCommit Start")
onRetry (print "onRetry Start")
v <- newTVar 7
writeTVar v 42
onCommit (atomically (readTVar v) >>= \x->print ("onCommit v",x))
onRetry (atomically (readTVar v) >>= \x->print ("onRetry v",x))
choice <- readTVar todo
case choice of
True -> return "foo"
False -> retryWith $ do
atomically (writeTVar todo True)
print "Flipped choice to True to avoid infinite loop"
-- Example similar to Simon's suggested example:
countRetries :: (MonadAdvSTM m, Monad m, Enum a) => IORef a -> m a1 -> m a1
countRetries ioref action =
let incr = do old <- readIORef ioref
writeIORef ioref $! (succ old)
in action `orElseAdv` (retryWith incr)
-- Load this file in GHCI and execute main to run the test:
main = do
counter <- newIORef 0
todo <- newTVarIO False
print "test"
result <- runAdvSTM (countRetries counter $ test todo)
retries <- readIORef counter
print ("result",result,"retries",retries)
atomically (writeTVar todo False)
print "testUnlift"
result <- runAdvSTM (countRetries counter $ testUnlift todo)
retries <- readIORef counter
print ("result",result,"retries",retries)
print "bye world"
The output in GHCI is
*AdvSTM> main
"onRetry Start"
("onRetry v",7)
"Flipped choice to True to avoid infinite loop"
"onCommit Start"
("onCommit v",42)
"onRetry Start"
("onRetry v",7)
"Flipped choice to True to avoid infinite loop"
"onCommit Start"
("onCommit v",42)
"bye world"
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