[Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] SimonPJ and Tim Harris explain STM
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Chris Kuklewicz
haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Fri Nov 24 09:31:05 EST 2006
I was inspired by Simon's post to kludge up a working prototype that does what
is discussed:
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> | The basic idea is to provide a way for a transaction to call into transaction-aware libraries. The libraries
> | can register callbacks for if the transaction commits (to actually do any "O") and for if the transaction
> | aborts (to re-buffer any "I" that the transaction has consumed). In addition, a library providing access
> | to another transactional abstraction (e.g. a database supporting transactions) can perform a 2-phase
> | commit that means that the memory transaction and database transaction either both commit or both
> | abort.
> Yes, I have toyed with extending GHC's implementation of STM to support
> onCommit :: IO a -> STM ()
> The idea is that onCommit would queue up an IO action to be performed when
> the transaction commits, but without any atomicity guarantee. If the
> transaction retries, the action is discarded. Now you could say
> I have also toyed with adding
> retryWith :: IO a -> STM ()
> The idea here is that the transction is undone (i.e. just like the 'retry'
> combinator), then the specified action is performed, and then the transaction
> is retried. Again no atomicity guarantee. If there's an orElse involved,
> both actions would get done.
> It would also make it possible to count how many retries happened: atomic
> (<transaction> `orElse` retryWith <increment retry counter>)
> I have not implemented either of these, but I think they'd be cool.
> Simon
The prototype is:
{- November 24th, 2006
Demonstration Code by Chris Kuklewicz <haskell at list.mightyreason.com>
Usual 3 clause BSD Licence
Copyright 2006
This is inspired by a post by Simon Peyton-Jones on the haskell-cafe
mailing list, in which the type and semantics of onCommit and
withRetry were put forth.
The semantics of printing the contents of the TVar "v" created in
test via retryWith may or may not be well defined. With GHC 6.6 I get
*AdvSTM> main
"hello world"
"retryWith Start"
("retryWith v",7)
"Flipped choice to True to avoid infinite loop"
"onCommit Start"
("onCommit v",42)
"bye world"
Aside from that I think the unsafeIOToSTM is not really unsafe here
since it writes to privately created and maintained variables.
Since the implementation is hidden it could be changed from ReaderT
to some other scheme.
Once could also use MonadBase from
http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/New_monads/MonadBase to help with the
lifting, but this has been commented out below.
TODO: figure out semantics of catchAdv. At least it compiles...
module AdvSTM(MonadAdvSTM(..),AdvSTM,retryWith) where
-- import MonadBase
import Control.Exception(Exception)
import Control.Monad(MonadPlus(..),liftM)
import Control.Monad.Reader(MonadReader(..),ReaderT,runReaderT,lift,asks)
import Control.Concurrent.STM(STM,orElse,retry,catchSTM,atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar(TVar,newTVarIO,newTVar,readTVar,writeTVar)
import GHC.Conc(unsafeIOToSTM)
import Data.IORef(IORef,newIORef,readIORef,writeIORef,modifyIORef)
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
import Data.Generics(Data)
class MonadAdvSTM m where
onCommit :: IO a -> m ()
onRetry :: IO a -> m ()
orElseAdv :: m a -> m a -> m a
retryAdv :: m a
atomicAdv :: m a -> IO a
catchAdv :: m a -> (Exception -> m a) -> m a
liftAdv :: STM a -> m a
-- Export type but not constructor!
newtype AdvSTM a = AdvSTM (ReaderT (CommitVar,RetryVar) STM a) deriving
type CommitVar = TVar ([IO ()]->[IO ()])
type RetryVar = IORef ([IO ()]->[IO ()])
{- Since lifting retry and `orElse` gives the semantics Simon wants, use
deriving MonadPlus instead
instance MonadPlus AdvSTM where
mzero = retryAdv
mplus = orElseAdv
-- instance MonadBase STM AdvSTM where liftBase = AdvSTM . lift
retryWith :: IO a -> AdvSTM b
retryWith io = onRetry io >> retryAdv
instance MonadAdvSTM AdvSTM where
onCommit io = do
cv <- AdvSTM $ asks fst
old <- liftAdv $ readTVar cv
liftAdv $ writeTVar cv (old . ((io >> return ()):))
onRetry io = do
rv <- AdvSTM $ asks snd
liftAdv $ unsafeIOToSTM $ modifyIORef rv (\ old -> old . ((io >> return ()):) )
orElseAdv (AdvSTM a) (AdvSTM b) =
{- If a retries then its onRetry commands are kept on the list of
actions to do if the whole command fails. It would be possible
to save the "rv" and use unsafeIOToSTM to implement a different
policy here -}
AdvSTM $ do env <- ask
lift $ (runReaderT a env) `orElse` (runReaderT b env)
orElseAdv = mplus
retryAdv = liftAdv retry -- the same as retryAdv = mzero
atomicAdv = runAdvSTM
catchAdv (AdvSTM action) handler =
let h env error = let (AdvSTM cleanup) = handler error
in runReaderT cleanup env
in AdvSTM $ do env <- ask
lift $ catchSTM (runReaderT action env) (h env)
liftAdv = AdvSTM . lift
-- This replaces "atomically"
runAdvSTM :: AdvSTM a -> IO a
runAdvSTM (AdvSTM action) = do
cv <- newTVarIO id
rv <- newIORef id
let wrappedAction = (runReaderT (liftM Just action) (cv,rv))
`orElse` (return Nothing)
loop = do
result <- atomically $ wrappedAction
case result of
Just answer -> do
cFun <- atomically (readTVar cv)
sequence_ (cFun [])
return answer
Nothing -> do
rFun <- readIORef rv
writeIORef rv id -- must reset the list
sequence_ (rFun [])
-- Example code using the above:
test :: TVar Bool -> AdvSTM String
test todo = do
onCommit (print "onCommit Start")
onRetry (print "onRetry Start")
v <- liftAdv $ newTVar 7
liftAdv $ writeTVar v 42
onCommit (atomically (readTVar v) >>= \x->print ("onCommit v",x))
onRetry (atomically (readTVar v) >>= \x->print ("onRetry v",x))
choice <- liftAdv $ readTVar todo
case choice of
True -> return "foo"
False -> retryWith $ do
atomically (writeTVar todo True)
print "Flipped choice to True to avoid infinite loop"
-- Example similar to Simon's suggested example:
countRetries :: IORef Int -> AdvSTM a -> AdvSTM a
countRetries ioref action =
let incr = do old <- readIORef ioref
writeIORef ioref $! (succ old)
in action `orElseAdv` (retryWith incr)
-- Load this file in GHCI and execute main to run the test:
main = do
print "hello world"
todo <- newTVarIO False
counter <- newIORef 0
result <- runAdvSTM (test todo)
print ("result",result)
print "bye world"
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