[Haskell-cafe] string to date?
Björn Bringert
bringert at cs.chalmers.se
Thu Nov 9 14:43:36 EST 2006
Dougal Stanton wrote:
> Quoth Magnus Therning, nevermore,
>> I've been staring my eyes out trying to find a function that converts a
>> string into a ClockTime or CalendarTime. Basically something like C's
>> strptime(3). I can't seem to find anything like it in System.Time,
>> there are function that convert _to_ a string, but nothing that converts
>> _from_ a string it seems. Where should I look?
> The MissingH.Time.ParseDate [1] module might be what you want. There's
> also one from Bjorn Bringert [2]. I haven't used either though, so I
> can't recommend anything between them.
> Cheers,
> D.
> [1]: <http://quux.org:70/devel/missingh/html/MissingH-Time-ParseDate.html>
> [2]: <http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~bringert/darcs/parsedate/>
Those two are the same code. I have a preliminary new version which can
also parse most of the types from the time package (Data.Time.*)
available at:
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