[Haskell-cafe] Moving from Hugs to GHC and getting an error

Adam Wyner adam at wyner.info
Fri Mar 31 11:01:53 EST 2006

I developed some code in Hugs, but now am moving to GHC.  I had used 
Hugs because I wanted to use the Trex module (extensible records), but 
this has not been as important as I had thought it would be.

My modules run fine in Hugs, but I get an error message when I try to 
run my module in GHC.  The message is:

parse error on input `PropList'

Otherwise the imported modules are interpreted.

In the module, the type declarations are:

type PropList 	= [String]
type World	= Int
type Time	= Int
type SOA	= Rec (properties :: PropList, time :: Time,
			world :: World)
type DBSoas	= [SOA]

The error occurs just after PropList.

Is there some basic difference between Hugs and GHC that I'm missing? 
Where can I get more information about Hugs GHC differences?


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