[Haskell-cafe] Project postmortem II /Haskell vs. Erlang/
Ketil Malde
ketil.malde at bccs.uib.no
Wed Jan 4 03:41:39 EST 2006
Dylan Thurston <dthurston at barnard.edu> writes:
>> http://wagerlabs.com/articles/2006/01/01/haskell-vs-erlang-reloaded
| Compare Erlang
| -record(pot, {
| profit = 0,
| amounts = []
| }).
> [...] complain about "having to explain to the customer how xyFoo is
> really different from zFoo when they really mean the same thing".
Isn't the obvious solution to declare a class here? I.e.
class HasProfits h where profits :: h -> Word64
data Pot = Pot { pProfits :: !Word64, pAmounts = ![Word64] }
instance HasProfits Pot where profits = pProfits
And since you like to count LOC, why not use a more compact representation?
mkPot = Pot 333 []
If it resides close to the data definition, it's easy to keep the two
in sync.
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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