[Haskell-cafe] I'd like start with Haskell, but...

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 15:41:30 EST 2006


> > Is anybody there who have ANY experience in the field?
> > If answer would be positive what GUI+database libraries could be used in such
> > a case?

> There are several GUI libs that were started but not maintained. The
> main ones that are maintained are Gtk2Hs and wxHaskell.

There is no current release of Gtk2Hs or wxHaskell for GHC 6.6 on
Windows (that i know about), in my opinion that means they are not
supported enough to actually use. That said, I'd use GHC 6.4.2 and
Gtk2Hs, because it is supported. Also the first person to reply to
your post was Duncan, who is one of the Gtk2Hs developers - I usually
find that he provides excellent support and help where required.

That said, if I was writing a GUI+database thing, which doesn't do a
lot of substantial processing (more just Add/Edit/Delete buttons), I'd
definately use C# over Haskell. Haskell can do this, but you are
walking a relatively new path. On the other hand C# developers do this
day in, day out, and the language is optimised towards it.



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