[Haskell-cafe] Pickling HList

Cale Gibbard cgibbard at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 10:45:47 EST 2005

On 10/11/05, Joel Reymont <joelr1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm having trouble creating a pickler for HLists and would appreciate
> a solution.
> The code for (HCons e HNil) works fine but I get an error trying to
> implement puHList for (HCons e l) where l is supposed to be (HCons
> e ...), i.e. another HList.
> Bar.hs:21:37:
> Couldn't match the rigid variable e' against PU e'
> `e' is bound by the instance declaration at Bar.hs:17:0
> Expected type: HCons (PU e) l Inferred type: HCons e l
> In the first argument of puHList', namely l'
> In the second argument of pair', namely (puHList l)'
> Failed, modules loaded: none.
> ----
> module Bar where
> import Data.Word
> import OOHaskell
> main = print "We are here!"
> class HList l => HLPU l where
>      puHList :: HCons (PU e) l -> PU (HCons e l)
> instance HLPU HNil where
>      puHList (HCons pe HNil) =
>          wrap (\e -> HCons e HNil,
>                \(HCons e HNil) -> e)
>                     pe
> instance HList l => HLPU (HCons e l) where
>      puHList (HCons pe l) =
>          wrap (\(a, b) -> HCons a b,
>                \(HCons a b) -> (a, b))
>                     (pair pe (puHList l))
> newtype TourType = TourType TourType_ deriving (Show{-, Typeable-})
> newtype AvgPot = AvgPot Word64 deriving (Show{-, Typeable-})
> data TourType_
>      = TourNone
>      | TourSingle
>      | TourMulti
>      | TourHeadsUpMulti
>      deriving (Enum, Show{-, Typeable-})
> --- Pickling
> data PU a = PU { appP :: (a, [Word8]) -> [Word8],
>                   appU :: [Word8] -> (a, [Word8]) }
> pickle :: PU a -> a -> [Word8]
> pickle p value = appP p (value, [])
> unpickle :: PU a -> [Word8] -> a
> unpickle p stream = fst (appU p stream)
> lift :: a -> PU a
> lift x = PU snd (\s -> (x, s))
> sequ :: (b -> a) -> PU a -> (a -> PU b) -> PU b
> sequ f pa k = PU (\ (b, s) -> let a = f b
>                                    pb = k a
>                               in appP pb (b, appP pa (a, s)))
>                (\ s -> let (a, s') = appU pa s
>                            pb = k a
>                        in appU pb s')
> pair :: PU a -> PU b -> PU (a,b)
> pair pa pb = sequ fst pa (\ a -> sequ snd pb
>                            (\ b -> lift (a,b)))
> wrap :: (a -> b, b -> a) -> PU a -> PU b
> wrap (i, j) pa = sequ j pa (lift . i)
>         Thanks, Joel
> --
> http://wagerlabs.com/

We came to this solution on IRC:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Bar where
class (HList l, HList p) => HLPU p l | p -> l, l -> p where
    puHList :: p -> PU l

instance HLPU HNil HNil where
    puHList HNil = lift HNil

instance (HList l, HLPU p l) => HLPU (HCons (PU e) p) (HCons e l) where
    puHList (HCons pe l) =
        wrap (\(a, b) -> HCons a b,
              \(HCons a b) -> (a, b))
                   (pair pe (puHList l))

The trick is to get the types to assert that not just the first
element of the HList is a pickler/unpickler, but that the whole input
HList is composed of them.

 - Cale

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