[Haskell-cafe] Where do you use Haskell?

Ben Lippmeier Ben.Lippmeier at anu.edu.au
Tue May 3 01:12:26 EDT 2005

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> I've been reading, and I'm really liking the elgance of Haskell, and FP 
> as a whole. But I wonder about the range of applicability.

Oooohh baby, you sure have stumbled across the proverbial can'o'worms.

Yes, others have asked themselves "the" question, and some have 
dedicated a large slab of their waking hours trying to make some sense 
of it all.

Many aspects of functional programming are generalisations of what goes 
on in imperative languages. One might expect this would make FP somewhat 
_more_ applicable, which is true - but there are complications.

You might like to take a deep breath and start with:
"Tackling the awkward squad: monadic input/output, concurrency, 
exceptions, and foreign-language calls in Haskell" - Simon Peyton Jones


It might give you a better overview of "the" problem. As for the 
solution.. uh... stay tuned.

PS: Keep asking those questions.

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